巴拿馬 翡翠莊園 鑽石山 日曬
巴拿馬 翡翠莊園 鑽石山 日曬
國家: 巴拿馬
產區: Boquete
海拔: 1,400M~1,700M
處理法: 日曬處理
等級: SHB
品種: 帝比卡、波本、卡杜艾
風味描述: 杏桃、洛神花、莓果、酒香巧克力 。
【巴拿馬 翡翠莊園】
巴拿馬翡翠莊園在咖啡的世界裡一直都是個神話,它在咖啡界的地位,就好比紅酒世界裡的 DRC Romanee-Conti一樣,該莊園所出產的藝伎品種,風味是無與倫比的,也得過無數的世界冠軍及大獎,包括今年BOP(Best of Panama)藝伎日曬冠軍也是翡翠莊園獲得。
巴拿馬非常著名的翡翠莊園La Esmeralda位於於巴拿馬精品豆產區波魁特,該區所種植的咖啡以Typica, Bourbon、Catual、Geisha為主,並因為對自然環境的用心和特殊照料,榮獲雨林聯盟認證,翡翠莊園雖然以藝伎品種聞名於世界,得天獨厚的莊園環境以及和生豆處理技術,使得該莊園咖啡豆獲得愛戴。
巴拿馬翡翠莊園Esmeralda Specialty是罕見的得獎莊園競標豆,曾在線上拍賣三度創下新紀錄。2004年6月一磅21塊美金 2006年5月一磅50.25塊美金 2007年5月一磅130塊美金 2010年5月更是來到一磅170塊美金。以下是Esmeralda莊園的其他獲獎記錄:
美國精品咖啡協會(SCAA)杯測會冠軍 (2007, 2006, 2005)
美國精品咖啡協會(SCAA)年度咖啡第二名(2009, 2008)
巴拿馬最佳咖啡(Best of Panama)冠軍(2010, 2009, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004)
雨林聯盟(Rainforest Alliance)咖啡品質杯測賽冠軍(2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2004)
Hacienda La Esmeralda is a family owned company that produces specialty coffee in the highlands of Boquete, located in the South-West mountains of Panama, and is home to the famous award-winning Esmeralda Special Geisha Coffee. At Esmeralda, we take pride in achieving the highest standards of sustainable coffee production. We devote time and attention to the details and fine touches that have always distinguished us from other coffee producers in the world. Hacienda La Esmeralda is owned by the Peterson Family.
Jaramillo Farm:
The Jaramillo Farm is where the Geisha Variety was first discovered in 2004 by Daniel Peterson (Grandson of Esmeralda founder Rudolph Peterson). The geisha variety form Hacienda La Esmeralda first competed and won in the Best of Panama in 2004, and continued to win for many years after. In the Jaramillo micro-climates, the Geisha’s bright, floral aromatics express themselves boldly. With cooler temperatures and massive shade trees that have been standing for ages, Jaramillo is the perfect place for this variety to have landed. To this day many of our top performing micro lots of Geisha coffee (with names such as Mario, Bosque, Noria and Reina) come from little patches on the slopes of Jaramillo. This area is influenced from both the Atlantic and Pacific ocean, and enjoys a high humidity level year round.
Cañas Verdes Farm:
On the slopes of the majestic Volcán Baru, Cañas Verdes is part of the original Peterson holdings since 1967. Cañas Verdes has a distinct three to four months dry season, producing balanced and fruity Geisha micro-lots with structured acidity and a high complexity in the cup. Coffees from this farm have also set world auction records in the Best of Panama.
El Velo Farm (located in Alto Quiel):
El Velo is the newest of Hacienda La Esmeralda’s farms, since 2012. On a slightly sloping terrain, this 50 hectares farm is neatly divided into rows and organized into different producing areas. The farm is planted with Geisha variety, as well as other exotics varieties like Laurina, Pacamara, Mocca and SL-28, along with some 400+ other accessions from Ethiopia as part of a long-term exploration of high quality cup, disease resistance and commercial viability.
The farm is planted from 1,650-1,900 masl, though the land continues up the mountain all the way to 2,900 masl, where there is a nature reserve home to the famous Quetzal and other endangered birds and animals.
Since 2008, Hacienda La Esmeralda runs the Esmeralda Special Single Estate Auction which features our highest scoring geisha micro lots.
All Esmeralda farms are Rainforest Alliance Certified, attesting to our care and dedication to social and environmental causes.
Visit our website for more information regarding maps of our farms, registration to our auction and descriptions of our brands.
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